Why Balance Bikes are great for kids

Why Balance Bikes are great for kids

Why Choose a Balance Bike?

Balance bikes are an excellent choice for young kids because they teach balance, coordination, and motor skills—all without the need for pedals or training wheels. These bikes are designed to make learning to ride smoother and faster.

Benefits of Balance Bikes

Develops Balance Early: Unlike tricycles or bikes with training wheels, balance bikes help kids learn to balance right away.
Builds Confidence: Kids feel in control since they can place their feet on the ground whenever needed.
Easy to Transition: After mastering balance bikes, kids often skip training wheels altogether and go straight to pedalling.

How soon can your toddler start riding a balance bike?

Balance bikes are great for toddlers, typically starting at 18 months to 5 years old. If your child is between 2-4 years old, a balance bike can be a perfect way to introduce them to cycling in a fun and safe way.

Which My Bike is right for your child?

If your child is 2-4 years we recommend the Joey My Bike suitable for heights of 80-120cm.   

If your child is 3-5 years the Nipper My Bike is the better option suitable for heights 90-135cm.  

The added benefit of My Bikes is that our bikes easily switch from a balance bike to a scooter with a click of a button providing versatility for your child to have fun and practise a range of balance and motor skills.

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