Scooter Meets Balance Bike

The most versatile toddler bike on the market. Let your little one choose their adventure!

Two Bikes Sizes for ages 2-5yrs

The Joey - Toddlers 2-4yrs

The JOEY is a game-changer for kids aged 2-4, combining a balance bike and scooter into one innovative product.


The Nipper - Kids 3-5yrs

The MyBike NIPPER 2-In-1 is designed for adventurous kids who are ready for more excitement!


Why Choose a My Bike?

Versatile & Comfortable

Fun to Ride

Let your little one choose their adventure - to scoot or ride!

With comfort grip handlebars and easy rolling wheels your little one will love it. The TPE wheels reduce shock by up to 40%, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience every time they ride.

Toddler Development

Promotes Growth & Confidence

Encourage your child’s development with a product that helps them learn balance, coordination, and motor skills, all while having fun.

Ideal for Toddlers

Lightweight & Strong

Being super light weight My Bike Joey and Nipper models ensure easy manoeuvrability, supporting your kids riding skills

Ease of use

Quick Set Up

Easy to assemble and maintenance free. With the easy one-button switch, your child can instantly transform between the two modes, allowing them to scoot or balance depending on the adventure.